We are one of the leading co***ny of fashion supplier in China. We offer top quality replicas bags, shoes and other accessories. The main product is Gucci,cnanel,nike adidas ,puma, Prada, Balenciaga, polo,d&g,bbc,armani,lacoste,evisu,jimmy,juicy... ĦĦAll the products are made from the authentic edition and we have quality control department to check every product before shipment. We bring the best products and best service to our customers, Customer satisfaction is the uppermost object to us all the time. We have the following advantages: 1): high quality. All our products are made of the best in leather and other selections material to create a mirror image. We offer you the best available in designer replica products .all our products must be inspected again by our QC before sent out. 2): safety. If the products seized by our customs, we will resend them to you free again. 3): quick shipment. We have agreement with some international express corporation, the products will be shipped within 48 hours after we received your payment and the parcel will reach your side in 5-7working days. 4): customer support. Your questions are our priority. Feel free to send us a mail with your inquiries and we will answer in less that 48 hours excluding weekends. 5): we are very serious seller, assure you that we can have very perfect cooperation. We are willing to build mutual benefits and long term business relationships with all customers. Any question please contact us E-mail: nikejordan168@yahoo.cn MSN: nikejordan168@msn.com http://www.nikejordan168.com